Our Programs

We advance holistic community development by empowering young leaders and fostering resident-driven solutions for thriving neighborhoods.

Youth Development

We empower young leaders with tools to grow, lead, and contribute positively to their communities..

Community Engagement

We foster connections, build civic power, and set the table for residents to lead solutions for thriving neighborhoods.


Character Education

Based on our seven-point character education curriculum, we engage students, businesses, government agencies, and civic organizations in leadership development. Character is at the heart of our work. To get to the heart of this critical topic, we facilitate dynamic environments and relationships based on trust and respect as we seek to challenge each person to learn and grow. Through each interactive session, we provide participants from diverse backgrounds with practical opportunities to learn through hands-on experience to help them develop a high level of character. As a result, participants gain greater self-awareness, increased knowledge, and the skills needed for building healthy relationships with themselves, other people, and their community.


Positive Discipline Workshops

Our facilitators are certified in the Positive Discipline Parenting and Classroom Management model, equipping parents, teachers, childcare providers, youth workers, and others to gain invaluable tools and resources for effective discipline. Through authentic, vulnerable, and open-hearted sessions, leaders are equipped to implement these principles at home, in the community, and in the classroom. This program aims to help children grow in their concern for others, understand respect, engage in healthy problem-solving — developing skills to be successful, contributing members of the community.


Community Conversations

We facilitate monthly meetings and ongoing communication with a network of leaders and residents who establish meaningful relationships with individuals and families in their neighborhoods. This group of leaders is trained, equipped, and empowered to serve as liaisons between their neighbors and city officials. They stay in contact with us and each other on a day-to-day basis; they show up on behalf of their neighbors, represent them at community meetings, and provide vital resources to families in need. Additionally, we provide them with training in first aid and administering life-saving NARCAN to those who have overdosed.